Thursday 21 February 2008

Bar One

The Bar One! For those who aren’t in the know, a Bar One is a yummy chocolate bar similar to the Mars bar. The slogan for Bar One is "For a 25 hour day." Why am I bringing the Bar One up, well it is for the Information and Communication Department of Metrorail. The Bar One has become a jinx for them. If anyone sees you with one, you would be frog marched out of the department and hands would be washed of you. You see, from what I have gathered, when a Bar One is eaten in the department, something serious goes wrong, for example the network goes down, and it would take over 25 hours to fix. As the slogan goes "For a 25 hour day." The question been asked today was who ate a Bar One because my computer is still not working 100%. It is somehow losing network setting when restarting. Here is Leon, pen in the mouth, fixing.

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