Wednesday 8 April 2015

Midweek Toilet Break

Hump Day, or also known as Wednesday is the midweek point of the week when we all start freewheeling towards the weekend. In other words we on top of the hump of the week looking down towards the coming weekend. Although it is a short week coming off a long weekend, the week days have been long.

Taking breaks is what gets you through the day. Oh look what I found in the toilets during one of my breaks? Red potpourri next to the wash basin, oh how quaint.

Most of my breaks are better spent in the gardens surrounding my office. It is getting colder now that winter is on its way. How is this unusual cycad flower that I found in the garden, gorgeous. Even the daisies bring a splash of colour between the rain showers. No standing around the water cooler with all this beauty abound.

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